View Full Version : Google Earth KML file of gloryhole locations

06-26-2013, 01:56 PM
Google Earth KML file of gloryhole locations.

RIGHT-click on this link to download & save the KML (http://www.12voltbar.com/92240/92260/keyhole/bryan_gloryholes.kml) to your own computer.
Then locate the KML file on your own computer, then open the KML file by double-clicking (make sure you have Google Earth software installed); otherwise open Google Earth and tell Google Earth to open this KML file.

DO NOT try to open the KML link / file from here --- a KML or KMZ file MUST reside on your own computer to function properly.

This KML file has website links, images, maps and precise gloryhole locations of places that I have personally verified. It is a work-in-progress. If you have problems opening it, contact me via this e-mail link (mailto"bryan@12voltbar.com"), and I can e-mail you (OUTSIDE of this website) the uncompressed KML version of the compressed KMZ version (KMZ & KML files are not permitted to be attached on this website).


07-22-2013, 10:19 AM
Looks like it is a dead link, leads to nothing. Can you repost the link?? Thanks

07-22-2013, 01:17 PM
Try THIS LOCATION (http://www.12voltbar.com/92241/92261/keyhole/bryan_gloryholes.kml) instead.